Saturday, August 20, 2011

Re-using Silica Gel

This is what you do *or at least what i did* when your silica gel loses it's moisture sucking power! basically when your silica gel turn from dark blue to a pale purplish colour.

First you spread it out evenly it out on a plate.

Put it in the microwave. i set it to 1min but i think it should be longer,i'll tell you why later.
When it's done, remember to use a glove cause it's gonna be hot, there would be a nasty smell when it's done so don't breathe that in.

The silica gel should be this colour when it's done!

Basically by doing this, you're evaporating the moisture that locked inside the silica gel, kind of like squeezing a wet sponge. I placed the hot silica gel in an air tight container with a hygrometer and noticed that it's releasing moisture, this is probably why it should be in the microwave oven for a longer time. Let it cool for awhile then store it in your container or dry boxes. Good luck!

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